Friends holding each other forest
How to Support a Friend through Rehab
Watching a friend fight against the painful hold of addiction is never an easy thing. When a person whom you’ve grown close to and consider to be important to...

Woman meditating
The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation
You might often imagine someone meditating as being “out of it.” However, when it comes to mindfulness meditation, it’s usually the exact opposite. The goal of mindfulness meditation is...

Woman stares anxiously outwards
How Anxiety Affects Addiction
Addiction, despite the horrific effects that it can have on the body, is primarily a mental condition. While physical dependence occurs for many substance, mental dependence is the major...

Archie Swensen roams the streets in an old van. Archie, better known as ‘Idaho’s Hope Dealer,’ is not looking for drugs or alcohol. He’s looking for those who are...

Idaho’s State of Addiction
Addiction and substance abuse are both behavioral diseases that are ramping up across the country, to the point where our own president recently declared that there is a national...

Using Exercise to Fight Addiction
Addiction is a behavioral disease that literally works by taking over your entire life and changing who you are as an individual. In this way, it changes the foundation...

Supporting a Loved One through Addiction
Addiction is an absolutely trying part of the human experience. This behavioral disease is the most imminent public health problem of our time, and addiction should be challenged and...

Benefits of Yoga in Recovery
There is no clear cut way to approach addiction recovery. Just as human beings are individuals, so too is each journey towards lasting recovery a different path with different...

How Grief Arms Addiction
At some point in every person’s life, grief will be encountered. As much as we might dread it or try to run from it, the nature of life is...

Why Study Drugs Are Dangerous
There is a prevailing trend among college students today to take stimulating substances in an effort to yield better results while studying or doing projects. The substances taken to...