Brick House Blog

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Together You Can: Navigating Your Child’s Struggle with Addiction

Together You Can: Navigating Your Child’s Struggle with Addiction

Navigating your child's struggle with addiction is an incredibly challenging journey for any parent. At Brick House Recovery, we understand...
Mental Health & Suicide Awareness Event

Mental Health & Suicide Awareness Event

Connection Is The Cure – Featuring Alex Boyé Pictures from this amazing music and awareness event for Treasure Valley teens,...


GET UNHOOKED – Course For Family Members Coaching Call Every Thursday 11 am – 12 noon MDT On the ZOOM...
Breanna’s Story

Breanna’s Story

Breanna Shares Her Story – Family Group Alumni – Wife Of Alumni Video Transcript: (00:00)So my name is Breanna,...
Supporting a Loved One through Addiction

Supporting a Loved One through Addiction

Addiction is an absolutely trying part of the human experience. This behavioral disease is the most imminent public health problem...

How Grief Arms Addiction

At some point in every person’s life, grief will be encountered. As much as we might dread it or try...
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