Mental Health & Suicide Awareness Event

Connection Is The Cure – Featuring Alex Boyé
Pictures from this amazing music and awareness event for Treasure Valley teens, young adults, families, in need of HOPE, SUPPORT & RESOURCES.

Organized by – Connection Is The Cure
Hosted By Joey & Loren In The Morning
Follow on Instagram @connection_isthe_cure
Featuring Alex Boyé
At the event, Jason Coombs, author, and founder/CEO of Brick House Recovery in Boise will be sharing his story of struggling with addiction and suicide ideation.
Click Here To See The Article & Video By Idaho News Channel 2
More About This Connection Is The Cure Event:

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people (10-34 years old)1 and suicide rates are rising. In fact, suicide rates have increased almost 60% in 10 years (for ages 10-24). Since the beginning of the pandemic, suicide attempts among teens have increased significantly. Research has shown that promoting connectedness between people and within communities creates a sense of belonging, which can be protective against suicide.
We are parents, siblings, neighbors and friends that are driven to support our loved ones who are secretly struggling. We will not be quiet when it comes to mental health simply because it is uncomfortable the cost of silence is too high. We believe that connection is the cure and we know that encouraging those connections takes work. We will speak loudly and with passion as we reach out and provide support to those who are at risk of suicide.
We are hosting a mental health awareness and suicide prevention concert event featuring Alex Boyé. We know that music has the power to bring people together and open their hearts in a way that lessons and lectures cannot. Through music, guest speakers and educators, we intend to bring hope and support to all in attendance. For more information about Alex Boyé and his “Bend Not Break” Suicide Prevention Tour, see Alex Boye’s “Bend Not Break” music video, a video montage from Suicide Prevention Concert in Sandy, UT (September 2019), and a clip showing attendance from a previous concert, and the moving story behind the “Bend Not Break” song and music video.
This event will connect people to people and people to resources. The tangible outcomes we hope to see from the event are as follows:
- Normalize and encourage ongoing conversations about mental health and suicide
prevention within homes, schools, churches, and throughout the community. - Equip people (particularly teens) with suicide prevention strategies, on both the
individual-level and support-level. - Introduce and connect people with the mental health and suicide prevention
resources that are available throughout the community.
In Memory of Robert Sage Dilgard (1986-2021). He fought a rigorous battle with mental illness and addiction, which causes so much heartache and pain for the individual and for those who love them. Robert was fond of the saying: “Today let us have compassion and allow other their limitations without judgment.” With this as our guiding principle, we will honor his legacy by encouraging anyone who is suffering, mentally or emotionally, to get help.