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The Hidden Costs of Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol addiction is definitely a costly habit when considering the daily cost of alcohol alone, but when considered with the...
3 Reasons You Should Go Outside Today
During recovery, we often find ourselves feeling isolated. It’s a difficult process to take on, and it’s even more difficult...
Idaho’s State of Addiction
Addiction and substance abuse are both behavioral diseases that are ramping up across the country, to the point where our...
Using Exercise to Fight Addiction
Addiction is a behavioral disease that literally works by taking over your entire life and changing who you are as...
Benefits of Yoga in Recovery
There is no clear cut way to approach addiction recovery. Just as human beings are individuals, so too is each...
Why Study Drugs Are Dangerous
There is a prevailing trend among college students today to take stimulating substances in an effort to yield better results...
The Longevity of LSD Effects
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), or acid, as it is more frequently known as, is an incredibly powerful hallucinogenic and psychedelic...
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